What Is the Importance of Section J Certification?

Section J is a part of the building code of Australia that deals with making energy-efficient class 2- class 9 buildings. Section J assessment signifies that the building solution must satisfy the proposed provisions and legislations defined in the Section J report. Building Code Of Australia makes it mandatory that all the construction methods, building…

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What Do You Understand By Green Building?

The concept of Green building is actually defined as construction using materials that are sustainable and environmentally safe. The main objective behind this technique is to lower the negative impact on the environment and at the same time make the building safe and healthier for everyone.

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ARENA Funding For Renewable Energy: Applicants Can Now Start Preparing Funding Applications

Originally posted on Solar Consultant Australia:
ARENA funding now open for applications includes: Emerging Renewables Programme (ERP) – this supports the development, demonstration and early stage deployment of renewable energy technologies Southern Cross Renewable Energy Fund – under the Renewable Energy Venture Capital Fund – provides management expertise and makes equity investments in early-stage Australian…

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