Podiatric Treatment @ Jill Hunter Podiatry

The Podiatric Ways of Treating Cracked Heels

Cracked heels exhibit in the form of fissures or linear wounds around the heel’s rim. Now, cracked heels are a common condition. In the beginning, no discomforts or pains are felt, but as the cracks deepen, painful sensations begin to arise. You may not know when the cracked heels will start bleeding and then by…

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Walking Abnormalities

Things To Know – About Walking Abnormalities

Walking abnormality is uncontrollable and abnormal walking patterns. It can be caused by a genetic disorder or some other factors like leg injuries or diseases. Walking abnormality can affect bones, muscles and nerves of your legs. This abnormality can happen in your entire leg or just at some parts of your leg like knee or…

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