3 Changes The Digital Marketing Agencies Will Make Due to COVID-19

Progress is a must to adapt to the said strategy, communication, and organization. You could either own an agency or sign up with an agency, but wondering how everything will change because of COVID 19 is normal.
In this section, we shall discuss the changes, and most importantly, its effects.

strategy is the beginning for the digital marketing agenciesI. A Changed Strategy

A strategy is the beginning for the digital marketing agencies, so first let us discuss the strategies with change.

How will the Strategy Change?
Online demand and supply have undergone significant changes. Modifications have also been made to the product market fits pertaining to every category on a certain level because of the undulating COVID-19 effects. Due to this pandemic, the agencies are bound to consider themselves as well as their clients through specific dimensions like

  • How did the customers’ needs change?
  • How did their budgets change?
  • Do they remain a potential customer target?
  • Should the agencies make different customer profiles as their main target?
  • Do the agencies contain the exact services to serve the new customer base?

Every digital agency must keep their specific product-market fit and even their customer base in mind. It is going to be the chief source of concern throughout the remaining months of 2020.

Steps to Win the Competition
Be careful to look closely at your pre-defined and newly defined customer base. Accordingly, refine your business strategy covering the new features and traits.

For instance, the recent search trend noticed is a dramatic drop in terms like “near me” and hike in terms like “delivery” or “quick delivery”. YouTube has grown by 15% in traffic, but the ad revenue has decreased.

The agencies have to ensure modification based on how the clients look at their market, their services, and pricing strategy for the purpose.

Surplus Tips for the Digital Agencies to Update Their Client Strategy

  • Keep a page on the business website addressing COVIV-19 directly and explaining in brief what steps are being taken to help the customers. This update must be visible on every webpage and must highlight the updates regarding the business changes.
  • The agencies should develop and add the innovative but user-friendly messaging strategy to the advertising creatives. Similarly, they should implement the email and content marketing teams along with radio and TV advertisements, if applicable.
  • The agencies have to run a customer-friendly campaign that depicts, the customers are the top priority. Even they have to keep the results on track. Good results indicate they did help the customers, and decide how can they help the customers through the follow-up marketing campaign in the later phase of 2020.

A Changed Organization II. A Changed Organization

Due to COVID-19, the operating method for the organizations will even change in this very short term, and the digital marketing agencies are even included.

How will the organization in the agencies change?
Everyone is working remotely, so the general expectation is that both the employers and employees will be accustomed to working remotely. Agency profitability is sure to below as the rent is not at all cheap. In several cases, the agencies will incur net profits between just 5% to 30%, and the major part will be covered by the rent; the agency prefers an attractive office to engage the staff and attract potential customers. But the company can make good savings when the customers are disinterested to meet at the office and the staffs prefer working from home. The saved money is good for investing in both employee and clients’ success.

Nevertheless, lack of office subjects to other big challenges scarcity of company and team culture, lack of community and communication, a dearth of collaboration, so on and so forth. So, having an office is a great idea, and communicate with staffs face to face on working days; otherwise, the agency owners will have to process and account the management challenges like:

  • Clients’ time tracking
  • Regular team check-ins
  • Weekly accountability

Steps to Win the Challenge
The agency owners have to decide individually about arranging an office, and time will indicate the importance of office term in the end. But in the present, video calls are helpful along with:

  • Non-work related hours like chatting to build up the team and happy hours
    Check-ins for multiple departments for each week

CommunicationIII. Communication

The client communication for the agencies is bound to change.

How will the Communication Change?
Clients are interested in in-person meetings at the office, whether at their or the agency office. Clients even prefer warm welcome and happy hours. But it is not possible now, so has the video chat become necessary. The meetings have to be organized through video chats.

Steps to Win the Game

  • Show up at the video call properly dressed up. Ensure the background lighting is decent and presentable.
  • Clients build up a positive impression over a nice set-up, and both sides will have a new experience and develop a skill set.
  • Make sure during the video call, the dress, the place, and your appearance are all neat and clear. Another way to make a successful video call is b keeping whiteboard bearing the company’s logo in the background to take down a few discussed points and brainstorm. Each meeting will gift you a written digital marketing strategy for you to implement on them.

Till now, COVID-19 has been leaving behind a great level of impact on the world, but we will all overcome and come back stronger. We are bound to progress and start to adapt, both the agencies and clients. The agencies have to emphasize on needs of customers and employees while strengthening the communication strategies.


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