Importance of Boundary Surveys For Blocks Before Subdivision

Boundary surveys form the most critical components of block subdivision projects. This professional compulsion is important for several reasons. In the first place, boundary surveys are essential before gaining block subdivision approval from the Council. Second, once the block subdivision has been approved, the boundary surveys reveal the exact location of the block and highlight…

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A Clear Guidance On Boundary Surveys

Knowing the exact location of boundaries is the basic part of owning a property. Arguments are bound to be on the way when if the boundaries are not clear. Be it private property, commercial property, land for mining or land for drilling – boundaries have to be clear. Landowners will have to commission a boundary…

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Contour Survey: Its Features and Necessity

A contour survey is the beginning of any design process. Termed a detail and level survey, a contour survey enables us to visually understand the land’s vertical and horizontal shape, that is the topography. Once the land contours are clear to the engineers and architects, they visualize and map how much water will be flowing…

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Vision Surveys Consulting

Boundary Survey – Meaning, Types, and Inclusions

We shall start with a clear introduction to the boundary survey. The formal way to define the properties’ boundaries is the boundary survey. The surveyors rely on boundary surveys for focusing extensively to define corners of a particular portion of land in Perth. Generally, boundary surveying is commissioned before purchasing, dividing, improving, and finally constrictions…

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