5 Emerging Website Design Trends That Will Grow Your Business Fast

Are you an entrepreneur? Want to grow your business fast? This is surely not an easy task. Being an entrepreneur you may have a lot of things to worry about like your product creation, growth plans, digital marketing strategies etc.

The point is when you’ll have so many tasks in hand you may let a little thing like digital presence fall by your wayside. And if you do this, this would be a big mistake on your part. Actually, a survey was conducted in Perth in recent times on what makes people complete a purchase from a website and people said it is ‘trustworthiness‘.5 Emerging Website Design TrendsSo, it’s very important for you in this digital era to make your potential customers feel comfortable and safe when they visit your site. By doing this, you would not only encourage them to make the purchase but even assure them to maintain long-term relations. What does all this mean? You need to have a strong website design for creating the trustworthiness. Great testimonials, company transparency and solid products are definitely ways of ingraining familiarity to your potential customers but web design ranks top while determining the trustworthiness of the brand. So, go for a design that can transform your visitors into customers.

Create a Video Landing Page :
Incorporate a video in your web design. 78% of online users watch online videos every week. However, ensure not to embed any old video. Rather, take the design to the next level by opting for a video landing page and target the video to a call to action on any web page. This would improve the user grow Your Business Fasts’ impression and UX of your business organisation.

Go for Parallax Scrolling :
Digital experiences have made us lazy. We don’t even feel like clicking a button nowadays after entering a website. This has particularly been because of parallax scrolling. So, if you don’t have a site that features this, go for it. With parallax scrolling, you can make your site visually appealing as well as engaging. Just a simple swipe and your users will be able to consume all your information on the page.

Ensure to Have Unique Typography :
Each and every site needs text but it should no more be boring nowadays with the use of Times New Roman or any other basic font. If your site has these boring fonts, take your text to the next level with custom typography, which encompasses the brand identity. The custom typography may take several shapes or can be found in various areas of the website design. For example, you can choose to use it in your logo design if you want or sprinkle unique font all through the web design for drawing attention to content that is important. The choice in where and how you use the trend depends on you.

Create Animated Calls To Action :
Your consumers would not know what to do until and unless you tell them explicitly. So, ‘Calls to action’ is an important evil in web design. However, the main thing is nowadays just telling them what to do is not enough either. Since they see instructions and stimuli all over the website design, you have to do something extra in order to make your goal stand out. A bit of animation in an important action item can just make all the difference. Whether it is a very small interaction or just a plain effect that catches the eyes of the users, your customers would likely execute an action that you are pushing when the call to action is the cynosure of their eyes. For an animated call to action, all you need to do is contact a website design and development expert and they will get it done for you.

Go for Artificial Intelligence (AI) :
Even though there has been a surge in the e-commerce sales over traditional physical shops, people still do crave for connections and this is the reason that AI is popular in all its forms. Artificial Intelligence in web design may take several shapes but a few examples include personalisation, chatbots and machine learning. Personalisation and machine learning cultivate the feeling of making the users feel special, which in turn encourages brand loyalty. On the other hand, chatbots influence visitors more directly as they can ask questions & get answers in real time. So, it would be a great idea to incorporate chatbots to your website design. They can acquire information quickly with it.Website Design Trends That Will Grow Your Business FastHence, invest in website design. You will ingratiate a dedicated and broad customer base who is going to use your product every time. There are innumerable design elements that you can incorporate into your web design. Above-mentioned are only the top five website design tricks for growing your business fast. No matter which element you opt for, just make sure it makes the users feel safe and comfortable, draws attention to the important CTAs, represents the brands and gives users information they require for making an informed decision.


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